title: The Tree#28 (Chicago), V61
artist: Glenn Wexler
materials: Photographic print on vinyl media with chrome overlay, applied to exterior windows
dimensions: 20" wide x 120" high
location: Zolla-Lieberman Gallery, 325 W. Huron St. Chicago, IL
duration: June 1 – October 3, 2020
As part of Hello Neighbor, I created a window installation titled The Tree #28, V61. This work
features a photograph of a Chicago landscape repeated and stacked six times; appearing in the
center of each composition is the same image of a bare tree. Placed over each photograph,
surrounding the tree, is a silver outline made from a converted drawing and placed separately as
a thin chrome application. The reflective outline shows us the tree in full maturity as a reminder of
what is lost and at the same time, of what could be. This work depicts isolation, vulnerability, and
a place where people are facing social distress and life is confronting its survival. The message in
this work is not just about urban decay and environmental implications; it's also a discussion
about the human condition, the possibilities of transformation, and finding optimism and strength
in the face of tragedy.
Photographic print on vinyl media with cut chrome media overlay
Glenn Wexler is a Chicago based contemporary artist. He is known primarily for works involving silkscreen printing and photographic site-specific installations. Wexler has exhibited internationally at galleries and institutions including Art Fiera, Italy; Bridgewater/Lustberg Gallery, New York City; Chicago Cultural Center, Chicago; Galerie Bernsteinzimmer, Germany; H Gallery, Bangkok; Hyde Park Art Center, Chicago; Marwen Foundation, Chicago; Rockford Art Museum, Rockford; Union League Club of Chicago, and Zolla/Lieberman Gallery, Chicago; among others.
More on Glenn Wexler's practice
I mainly create photo-based urban themed artworks and installations with a cultural and
environmental awareness, these works share the world in which I’ve explored and encourage
social curiosity. I’m also interested in documenting the existence of nature within the close
proximity of architecture, this concept is homage to artists and architects that consider and draw
inspiration from the nature world. How a displayed work conforms and establishes dialogue with a
given location is an important part of my process. Finally, my work is not just an exploration of a
city or place; it’s an outlet to follow and share my sense of discovery. Follow him on Instagram: @glennwexler